Friday, July 19, 2019

Multiple Personality Disorder Essay examples -- Health, Mental Disorde

Multiple Personality Disorder Mental disorders have baffled physicians, psychiatrists and the general public since the beginning of time. One particular disorder called Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder, has caused controversy between those who believe it is real and those who think it is purely part of an individual’s imagination. For those who believe strongly in its existence, it poses very real consequences and hardships. Dissociative Identity Disorder has many causes, symptoms, and treatments; unfortunately, those who don’t take it seriously use it as a scapegoat for others undiagnosed problems. Many people may wonder what specifically defines Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This disorder is a mental illness that involves the sufferer experiencing two or more clear identities or personalities, also called alters, each of which has their own way of seeing and connecting themselves to the world (1). This disorder was formally known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), and is frequently called split personality disorder (1). The actions of victims with DID are determined by the personality that is dominant at a specific time (7). â€Å"In the category of Dissociative Disorder there are four main disorders: depersonalization, derelization, dissociative fugue and dissociative identity disorder (8). Furthermore, â€Å"DID is a severe form of dissociation, a mental process, which produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity† ( Having a thorough understanding of the meaning of DID is exceedin gly significant for the doctors that diagnose and treat patients. Several theories attempt to explain the causes behind D... ...inations or delusions, not multiple personalities (7). Without proper diagnosis the individual could experience additional problems. Despite the fact that DID is not a new medical development there is still ongoing controversy about its existence. The debate began during 1980s, it is believed that the sex abuse panic and the satanic abuse caused DID or MPD. Stories of people claiming to have DID became bizarre and the number of people claiming to have DID rose significantly. Some would argue that DID is a real disorder with real victims, while others would report it as being a second Salem witch hunt. Those who believe it is real argue that those who suffer it have suffered childhood trauma which is now affecting them. Others argue that if it is fictitious then the victims are displaying histrionic personality disorder, or the need for attention or approval.

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